Welcome to django-kaio’s documentation!

Django-kaio is a django-package that helps us to configure our django project. The values of the configuration can come from an .ini file or from environment settings.

The values are casted automatically, first trying to cast to int, then to bool and finally to string.

Also note that we can create class-based configurations settings, as django-configurations do.

Also includes:

  • if the .ini file does not exist set the default values
  • searches the .ini file in the current and parent directories
  • managanement script to let us see the current project configuration
  • management script to generate the .ini file with the default values
  • uses django-configurations in order to be able to create class based settings
  • mixins for standard configurations, such as Paths, Filer, Cache, Database…

Indices and tables


FilerMixin - Complete description

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/django-kaio/checkouts/stable/docs/mixins.rst, line 421.)